This ecological tale takes us to the heart of the underwater world, between night and light, following the rhythm of a whale’s meditations, a privileged witness of human activity on the oceans.
- 2014 :: Midnight Blue :: San Francisco Green Film Festival
Festivals and screenings
- January 30, 2019: in competition in the section High school students, Festival "Le temps presse"
- Winter 2016 and Spring 2017: screenings with Festina Lente sailing festival (Morocco, Canary Islands, Cape Verde ...)
- November 2016 : Voices from the Waters Festival, Bangalore, India
- June 2015: Festival "Plein La Bobine", La Bourboule, France
- May 16 & June 09, 2015: "Green Movies" in Time in Jazz festival, Berchidda, Sardinia
- April 19, 2015 :: Hong Kong-San Francisco International Ocean Film Festival, with Ocean Recovery Alliance
- April 12-17 :: The International "Water en Film" Events, IWFE, for short film official competition, South Korea
- early April 2015 :: Skepto Festival, Cagliari, Italy
- March 28 :: "Mali Tout Court" Festival, Lyon, France
- March 27-29, 2015 :: Green Image Film Festival, Japan
- March 22, 2015 :: screening for the World Water Day, with Cramades Union waters, St Flour, France
- December 20, 2014 :: screening at "cinéma le Navire" fort the event "The shortest day"
- December 2014 : festival "III Muestra medioambiental", Lanzarote, Canarias, Spain
Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany :: October 16-19, 2014
- Ecollywood Festival, Lille, France :: October 8-12, 2014
- Alternatiba in Lille, France, with Ecollywood festival :: Octobre 5, 2014
- Ponferrada Film Festival, Spain :: October 3-11, 2014
- Shortvisions Festival, GreenFilm section (with help of Interfilm Berlin), Ningbo, China :: September 2014
Festiver, Festival de Cine Verde de Barichara, Colombia :: September 2014
- Midnight Blue has been selected in "Green Archive" film program with Korean Green Foundation & Green film festival in Seoul. Lots of non-profit public screenings for schools, NGOs, civic groups, and local governments are scheduled
- ANFFIS (Animal film festival in Suncheon), South Korea :: August 2014
Clorofilla film festival, Rispescia, Italie :: August 2014
- Festival Alter’Natifs, Cobonne, France :: August 2014
- "Temps Fête", Maritime Festival of Douarnenez, France :: July 2014
- Festival In the Palace, Balchik, Bulgaria :: June 2014
- Festival Internacional de Cine Medioambiental de Canarias, Spain :: May 2014
- San Francisco Green Film Festival, USA :: May 2014
Ecozine film festival, Zaragoza, Spain :: May 2014
- Green film festival in Seoul, South Korea :: May 2014
- Festival Les Toiles de Mer, Lanton, France :: High schooler award :: April 2014
- Festival Rencontres Cinéma nature, Dompierre sur Besbre, France :: April 2014
- The Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital, Washington, USA :: March 2014
- Festival Des Courts en Hiver, Corsica, Porto-Vecchio :: award for Yound Audience + nomination for the category "Poems seen and heard" :: January 2014
- Interfilm Berlin for "Green Screen" competition :: November 2013
- Festival "Cinéma en Liberté" in Cuers (France), for outdoor screening under the stars :: September 2013
- Matsalu Nature Film Festival in Estonia, extra program :: September 2013
- Sand Art Festival "The Touch", Ukraine, 1st price in nomination "Video presentation in sand technique" :: September 2013
- Avant première at festival Croq’Anime in Paris :: September 2013
- 2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Interfilm Festival, Berlin
History of the birth of the film
I imagined this film after creation of two live sand drawing performances for the Festival Musica Nigella in 2011, with music by Crumb and Natsuda .
The theme of the concert was "The Secret Life of Oceans" , and I was inspired dramas including the Japanese tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster , and the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform operated by BP .
For the first time , I used blue sand , which corresponded well to the diving atmosphere.
- 2014 :: Midnight Blue :: price for Yound Audience + nomination, Festival "Des Courts en Hiver", Porto Vecchio
Thereafter, I imagined a storyboard inspired by these performances , adding other elements , including the issue of fishing and fish consumption.
Once editing advanced , on the advice of productor Citron Bien & Hélène Ducrocq , I wrote a poem to give another dimension to the film.
For the first time , I created a movie with lyrics.
Gérard Bonnotte then harmonized its original musical composition with this poem.
The film was completed in June 2013.
- 2014 :: Midnight Blue :: Washington Environmental Film Festival
Voice over extract
The depths roar in angerThe wind moans and writhesSalt clings and eats awayYet the creature is still at the helmSet in the wrong directionStraight to the edge of the world
Other informations
Director: David Myriam
- Technic: live sand drawing
- Production: Pierre Dron – Citron Bien
- Music / Sound design: Gérard Bonnotte
- Artistic direction: Hélène Ducrocq
- French voice over: Maud Fouassier
- Subtitles: english, chinese & spanish subtitles available
- Length 07’55"
- End of Production: June 2013
- Shooting: digital camera HD
- Available formats: digital files, DVD, Blu Ray...
- Postcards available here
- Facebook page
- 2013 :: Midnight Blue :: festival selections 01