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Sand Art Show in Lyon

::January 30,2013:: Sand art performance for Bocuse d’Or

2013 :: Sand artist :: Bocuse d'Or in Lyon, Live, France {JPEG}Sand Art Performance for the event "Bocuse d’Or" 2013, during the Sirha showroom GL Events.

The sand show took place at "La Sucrière", in the new area Lyon Confluence, in front of 1500 people. My special sandy dishes received a wonderful success...!

2013 :: Sand artist :: Bocuse d’Or in Lyon, La Sucrière


2013 :: Sand artist :: Bocuse d'Or in Lyon, La Sucrière, France 2013 :: Sand artist :: Bocuse d'Or in Lyon, La Sucrière, France 2013 :: Sand artist :: Bocuse d'Or in Lyon, La Sucrière, France
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