site Map
| January 2025 | Strasbourg, with No Limit Orchestra
It was in October 2024
| October 18, 2024| Show in Locminé (Morbihan) for "Contes en scène 2024"
| September 2024 | I publish that 5’40 video of sand art
|June 07, 2024 | Shows for young people/children and their parents
| May 28, 2024 | For the closing night of the Ozélir festival
| March 2024 | Live sand drawing with editing
| February 02, 2024 | Performance on demand for trade union congress
| December 27-28, 2023 | Six performances for all audience
| November 18, 2023 | Piano concert in Saxon, Swiss
| September 19, 2023 | For the Groupe Alpha’s 40th anniversary
| July 2023 | 5’40 of sand art
| June 2023 | 2’30 of sand art
Performance in Paris, december 2022
| March 22-23, 2023 | Two performances for CFE-CGC congress
| December 16, 2022 | Poetic sand art performance
| December 16, 2022 | Paris, opening of the iconic Joubran Trio concert
| November 08, 2022 | Evening with sand art at Institute of Optics
| October 5, 2022 | Show "Around the world in 80 days
|Septembre 25, 2022 | The performance took place on a cruise ship
| Septembre 10, 2022 | Live drawing to evoke the transformation of the town centre
| August 24-26, 2022 | Interventions for concerts in Verneuil d’Avre et d’Iton
| August 10, 2022 | Aurel, Drôme: short films & shows
| June 2022 | Live sand art for a song
| June 19, 2022 | Drôme: creation for a tale accompanied by electronic music
| Spring 2022 | Live drawing for a song about a migratory journey
| April 10, 2022 | Show "Au pays des mille-pattes"
| April 2,l 2022 | Live sand drawing for an hour and a half musical show
| 2022 | Video to promote the safeguarding of Mediterranean wetlands
| January 13, 2022 | Performances for "Cité des sciences et de l’industrie"
| October 12-14, 2021 | Sand art performance with a contemporary play
| August 28, 2021 | Performance & demonstration for two young audiences screenings
| June 2020 | Diffusion en ligne du clip de "La soñadora"
| Monday June 29, 2020 - 8h45 pm | Live sand drawing sequences inside documentary film
Winter-Spring 2020: production of a video for NGOs
|January 10, 2020 | Performance in Uccle Cultural Center, Belgium
| December 1st, 2019 | LOOP Festival
| November 20, 2019 | For the inauguration of a school
| November 07, 2019 | Private event
| November 03, 16 & 22, 2019 + December 5, 2019 | Multimedia concerts
| October 5th, 2019 | for "Belledonne et Veillées" evening 2019
| September 19th and 20th, 2019 | In Bonlieu APM congress
| March 16, 2019 | Fleurance in France
| octobre 2018 | Live sand drawing shooting
| November 22 & 11, 2018 | Multimedia concerts
| September 23, 2018 | France, "Festival Les Inouies"
| June 1st, 2018 | Multimedia concert
| May 23,24, 26 2018 | Live sand drawing for 3 performances
| May 7th, 2018 | Live sand drawing in Pontonx, France
| March 24 & 25, 2018 | performance in comic strip festival (France, 07)
Sand art drawing short movie by David Myriam
| March 2018 | in Montrouge & Fontainebleau, France
| March 1st to 8, 2018 | Twelve performances (France, 42)
| January 27, 2018 | Concert for musical cabaret
| January 23 & 24, 2018 | in Corbeil-Essonnes, France
| November 3rd, 2017 | Concert for humanitarian purposes
A new creation with "Les Percussions Claviers de Lyon"
| July 1st, 2017 | Sand art with Mozart
| 2017 | A personal film with animation and live sand drawing
| June 4th, 2017 | Live drawing for "l’Enfant et les Sortilèges" by Ravel
| May-June 2017 | 2 concerts in France
| May 17, 2017 | Live drawing in a museum, Paris
Video presentation with sand art
| April 1st 2017 | live sand art and exhibition for art event
| March 29, 2017 | Performance for corporate event
| March 2017 | sand art pictures
| March 2017 | 3 concerts in France & Italy
| March-april 2017 | Creation of a new show
| February 18, 2017, 3h pm | live sand drawing performance in EDEN cinema
David Myriam’s videos selections
Performance Video Capture, parts of a sand show
| February 06, 2016| multimedia show in France
I chose not to travel by plane from 2016
| January 20, 2017 | sand art performance
| december 2016 | sand art show
Film with acrylic painting live under camera
| December 3, 2016 | Live sand drawing for symposium in Paris
| November 23-26, 2016 | Screening in Bangalore
| September 17, 2016| multimedia show in France
::2015-2016:: for the play "When an animal is watching you"
| 2016 | one hour show with sand drawing stories, poetry, music...
::2015-2016:: with KAFKA (instrumental band)
::May 21, 2015:: Custom sand art show for a corporate event
::May 03, 2015:: Sand art performance for a event in Saudy Arabia
::Avril 11, 2015:: sand art painting performance in France
::March 03, 2015:: The Magic Flute in Mérignac, France
My sand art movie about ecological problems is available online
::November 4, 2014:: A custom creation for an event in the city of watchmaking
::October 31, 2014:: Ceremony for the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Unesco
:: September 26, 2014 :: Live sand drawing performance in Claix, France
::August 23, 2014:: visual creations and scenery for The Magic Flute.
::June 2014:: Live drawing for advertising film with flour
::May 28, 2014:: Sand show on request for corporate event
::May 27:: Show for the SNCF awards ceremony of crime novel
::January 22, 2014 :: Sand artist performance for Porsche event at "Invalides"
::October 31, 2013:: Sand artist in Strasbourg
::October 25, 2013:: sand artist peformance in France
::September 2013:: Sand art film on request
::September 20, 2013:: Live sand drawing performance for business event
::June 19, 2013:: Live sand performance during international event
::June 09th, 2013:: sand artist with symphony orchestra
::April 03, 2013:: Live sand performance for electronic music concert
::March 26, 2013:: Performance for a business event for HP
::February/March 2013:: Sand animation film
::February 2013:: Videos for coporate event in Dubai
::January 30,2013:: Sand art performance for Bocuse d’Or
::January 25, 2013:: Sand art performance in the city of Aubagne
::December 14, 2012:: Live sand drawing show at an Airbus event
::10.10.2012:: My short animation film will be on ARTE Creative
::August 17,18,24 2012:: Live Sand Art for Avallon Festival
::July 2012:: New short video with blue sand
::June 2012:: end of production
::June 8, 2012:: Sand performance about animals
::May 27, 2012:: "Exposition en Action" near Lyon
::February 06th, 2012:: Live show for corporate event in Saudi Arabia
::October 21, 2011:: Special sand show for corporate event
::September 12 to 15, 2011:: New sand show for 4 performances, La Baule, France
::August 25, 2011:: Special sand show for business seminar
::August 14,15 2011:: Special sand show for corporate event, cosmetic industry
::July 31th 2011, Briançon, France:: Sand Performance for Opera
::June 2,4th, 2011:: Live sand drawing performances during Chamber Music concerts
::April 24, 2011:: Sand drawing performance for a private event
::March 30, 2011:: Special sand show for mobile phone company
::March 20, 2011:: Performance for tv show "Dancing on Ice" on ITV channel
::March 2011:: video about shows, new design for website
::December 18, 2010:: Performances at a Festival of Lights and Pictures
::December 1st, 2010:: Film Festival Nature and Environment
::November 19,20 2010:: Sand Performances for a show with symphony orchestra
::October 5,6,7, 2010:: Sand painting performances in Lille
::October 1st, 2010:: Special sand show for sport award event, in Orléans
::September 30, 2010:: Sand painting performance in Lyon
::September 26, 2010:: Closing live entertainment performance
::September 07, 2010:: Sand painting performances for a business seminar close to Reims
::August 26, 2010:: Special sand show for corporate event
::July 14, 2010:: Special sand show
::June 21, 2010:: Performance "Lunar Variations" in France, Echirolles
::May 30, 2010:: Live sand performance around land art and environment
::May 08th, 2010:: Show for Final 4 Paris, "Hôtel de Ville"
::May 7, 2010:: Broadcast of one of my short film
:: March 19, 2010 :: Live sand drawing performance in Casablanca
::March 18, 2010:: Live sand drawing performances for a dinner-show
::France: Paris & Bourges in March, Vannes in May:: Special creation for the theater
:: February 12, 2010 :: Live sand drawing performance in Morocco
::February 10, 2010 :: Sand painting for an event about video game
::December 10, 2009:: Performances in Bahrain for corporate event
::November 21, 2009:: Performances in Lyon, symphonic concert
::October 09,10 2009:: Spectacles dessin sur sable + Film d’animation
::May 10,14,15 2009:: Sand performances by David Myriam
::February 09, 2009:: Sand art, performance by David Myriam
::January 18, 2009:: Sand show about World Future Energy Summit, Masdar
::Januray 15, 2009:: Show "Imagination Control" by David Myriam
::Decembre 16, 2008:: Show "Sea Song" by David Myriam
::October 22,23 2008:: Live sand shows in Athens
::October 2, 2008:: Live sand painting shows in Netherlands
:: September 10, 2008 :: Sand performer for a live show in Dubaï
::May 17th 2008:: Performances at "La Côte Saint André" (France)
::April 15,19,21 2008:: Performances for Mobily events
::March 25th, 2008:: Performance at Algeria’s Motor Show
::February 28,29 2008:: Sand painting live show in Doha, Qatar
::February 1st, 2008:: Live sand performance in "Cité Internationale"
::November 2,3 2007:: Sand painting show for "Voix d’Etoiles" animation Festival
::September 6,10,19 2007:: Live performance by sand painter David Myriam
::July 28th 2007:: Sand animation show for Kazantip festival
::June, 15,16,17 2007:: Live sand drawing shows at Esplanade
::May, 1st 2007:: Sand painter artist in Dubaï for a special sand painting creation
::March, 26th 2007:: Original sand drawing performance in Dubaï
::March, 17th 2007:: Sand drawing show "Lunar Variation"
::February, 14th 2007:: Live show for "If! Istanbul" festival
::January, 28th, February, 3/4th 2007:: Live sand shows for 3 technology festivals
::January, 25th 2007:: Sand video performance "Rezign Live" in Lyon
::December, 8th 2006:: Live sand performances at "Fêtes des Lumières"
::November, 11th 2006:: Sand animation show JCC 2006, Tunis
::November, 2th 2006:: Sand performance for an Infiniti event
::October, 25/26th 2006:: Sand artist for live shows in Paris
::September, 22/23 2006:: Sand performance at festival near Grenoble
::May, 30th 2006:: Special sand painting performance in Jeddah
::May, 6/8 2006:: Sand video shows + Sand animation film
::May, 02/05 2006:: Sand animation performance for a BMW event in Leipzig
::September, 28/29 2006:: Special performances for a John Izzo television show
Live sand drawing performances: magical shows
Live sand drawing show: "magical" art
Sand painting performance creation
2013 :: frame by frame sand animation movie
<2013> Sand art drawing short movie: ecological tale
Here is a new video presentation for my sand drawing creations
:: June 2013 :: Videos on request with sand drawing
<2012> Sand animation film, experimental
::February 2012:: Sand film for corporate event in Saudi
::February 2012:: Sand drawing for commissioned film
::October 2011:: Creating pictures for a medium-length film
<2010> Short movie by David Myriam
::May 2011:: Custom films for 2 events in Saudi Arabia
<2009> Sand animation film by David Myriam
<2006> A strange animation short by David Myriam
<2005> Short sand animation film by David Myriam
Sand drawing frame by frame films
Sand art shows, performances, films, corporate events, animation shorts, video clip...
Custom performances and films for events and shows
David Myriam sand art video selection
Selection of sand art picutres by David Myriam
For all information about sand drawing shows and creations
For all sand creations: performances, shows, videos, advert, video-clip, drawings...
To receive informations about live sand show, new animation films, events...

- 2018 - Live sand art for documentary film