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Live sand show with orchestra concert

::November 19,20 2010:: Sand Performances for a show with symphony orchestra

Performances in Besançon and Montbéliard, France, with symphony orchestra, new creations to travel in music and movement

2010 - Sand drawing, Old dance in Italy, picture during concert

Participation of David Myriam both performances of the show "Voyages" (Travel) with creations of sand drawing.

2010 - Sand drawing for symphony orchestra, picture during concert {JPEG}Presentation:
"The Besançon Orchestra open wide our festival Argentina! with the sounds of the bandoneon master Astor Piazzola. Stealthy step of a kaleidoscopic journey that takes curious and jaded by the ear and took them to Spain, and Russia to Japan with a command of the orchestra to a Japanese composer living in France: Takenori Nemoto.
Jean-François Verdier has designed a nice program for everyone, young and old, and whose extreme variety will be enhanced with visual arts such as dance and live sand animation."

2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango

- With:

The video projections of sand drawing work with the orchestra by live performances and pictures pre-recorded.

2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Moussorgski

2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango {JPEG}2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango {JPEG}2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Debussy {JPEG}

 Music program, and performances by David Myriam sand (over 30 minutes of live creation):

  • Leonard Bernstein, Times Square 1944: Picture drawn on before the show and projected
  • Takénori Nemoto, Ce qu’a murmuré le vent d’Est à l’oreille des arbres: Live sand painting
  • Ottorino Respighi, Tarentelle: Sand painting pictures pre-recorded
  • Verdi, Ouverture de Nabucco: Sand painting pictures pre-recorded
  • Claude Debussy/ Némoto Takenori, Des pas sur la neige: Sand picture created live on the previous track
  • Astor Piazzolla, Tres Tangos pour bandonéon et orchestre: Live sand painting for the second one
  • Modeste Moussorgski, Prélude de la Khovantchina: Live sand painting
  • Piotr Ilyitch Tchaïkovski, Valse des fleurs, Casse-Noisette: sand painting pictures pre-recorded, diaporama


2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Debussy/Némoto 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Bernstein 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Moussorgski 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Takénori Némoto 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Takénori Némoto 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Takénori Némoto 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Takénori Némoto 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango 2010 - Sand drawing for symphony concert , Tango
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Since 2005, a French artist specialist in sand drawing
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