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Sand drawing show for music festival

::June 21, 2010:: Performance "Lunar Variations" in France, Echirolles

2005 - Live sand drawing {JPEG}David Myriam perform the live sand drawing show "Lunar Variations" for the french music festival ("Fête de la Musique") 2010.
With video projection on wide screen outdoor.

Echirolles, France, Music event, 2010
  • 21:30 - Echirolles (38, Isère) - Parvis de la Rampe
  • Duration: 31 minutes
  • Description: One night of full moon, poetry of the transformations, and smooth music
  • Original music: Mathieu Lozinguez
  • All public


2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations" 2010 - Live sand drawing for the show "Lunar Variations"
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Since 2005, a French artist specialist in sand drawing
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