REZIGN, sand animation film

<2010> Short movie by David Myriam

After the end of the world... Poetic vision of the future on earth

2010 - Sand animation film "Rezign" {JPEG}The desert stretches, all life seems to have disappeared.
The empty sets return to dust.
And yet...

David Myriam

Festivals and screenings


2008 - Sand animation film, shooting time for "Rezign" 2010 - Sand animation film "Rezign" 2010 - Sand animation film "Rezign" 2008 - Sand animation film, shooting time for "Rezign" 2008 - Sand animation film, shooting time for "Rezign" 2008 - Sand animation film, shooting time for "Rezign" 2010 - Sand animation film "Rezign" 2010 - Sand animation film "Rezign"

> Update 15 February 2017
> Home / Sand animation films / REZIGN, sand animation film
> "The moving sand": Sand painting performance, live drawing show, projection of sand painting, sand animation films

David Myriam - 26400 Crest - France -

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