PDF document with all useful details (1.8 Mo)
For professionals, a complete online folder is available on request
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– Between November 10 and December 10, 2015, the show tour in Ain department (France), with more than 20 performances! (Mâcon, Bourg en Bresse, Montluel...)
As part of the Week of International Solidarity 2015 (SSI), the Departmental Union of Ain MJC (UD Mjc Ain, France) asked me this spring, with the support of the MJC of Montluel, to create a Moving Sand show.
So I started working from May to invent a history of about 45 minutes that correspond to the themes identified together: finding a harmonious way of living together, secularism, respect for others, the question of the differences between human beings...
I chose to put in the background the current social problems and climate problems will worsen soon.
– With its Facebook page, I will share with you around this show: creation, depictions, developments...
See you soon for further Salome adventures.
David Myriam
David Myriam - 26400 Crest - France - https://tramage.com