Sand animation at Beaubourg, Paris

::October, 25/26th 2006:: Sand artist for live shows in Paris

Special event around sand animation called « Les maîtres de la poudre » (Masters of powder) at Centre Pompidou (Beaubourg, Paris, France) for the world journey about animation films.

 October, 25th: The sand artist David Myriam perform live shows Dunes and Umbilical during the event « Pris dans les sables mouvants », with Nag Ansorge participation,

 October, 25th: Screening of the sand animation films « A hole in the place of heart » and « Do you mind? » during special event « cinema d’arénophiles »,

This event around sand animation was organised by Arlette Alliguié, service audiovisiuel de BPI.

> Update 16 February 2017
> Home / News / Sand animation at Beaubourg, Paris
> "The moving sand": Sand painting performance, live drawing show, projection of sand painting, sand animation films

David Myriam - 26400 Crest - France -

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